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Our Goal

Helping you rediscover the curiosity and passion in education.

How We Work


By providing a platform where users can share their personal perceptions, we promote the skill of looking at situations from multiple angles. Users can build their repertoire of perceptual lenses as they gain experience in dialogue, learning to view the world under different lights and from various angles.



While working with professors, we construct a planned schedule that will seamlessly integrate with their curriculum. Each of the sessions will be designed to run in parallel with on going classroom discussions.

Improved Learning


With the groups collective intelligence at the students' fingertips, active participation in our dialogues allow them to better understand classroom topics. Our dialogues also help teachers identify students who need more explanation for understanding a topic. 




Custom tailored questions will be created by our peace & conflict experts while cooperating with professors for their classes in accordance with their standards.


Interactive Design


We're recreating the online forum experience and revamping it for academic use. Our layout allows for users to comfortably interact with each other while avoiding the confusion and clutter of traditional online educational forums.


Guided Dialogue


Our guided dialogue sessions ease each user into an informative exchange of perceptions. The goal is not to win arguments, but rather test your own thoughts by allowing yourself to view your opinion through the lens of another. Change or even strengthen your position as you do the same for others around you.

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